The importance of eye exams for contact lenses
When it comes to contact lenses, it is important that you have a comprehensive eye exam as well as a contact lens fitting. A comprehensive eye exam will check your vision and ensure your eyes are healthy.
A contact lens fitting will ensure that your lenses fit properly and are comfortable to wear. Here is a closer look at the importance of both of these things.
How Important are Eye Exams?
Everyone knows that it is important to have healthy eyes, but not everyone realizes how important it is to have regular eye exams. Eye exams can detect the most common problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and even more serious conditions like glaucoma and cataracts.
In addition, a comprehensive eye exam is important to identify underlying health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even tumors. Even if your vision seems fine, it is important to have regular comprehensive eye exams at least once every two years.
According to the National Institute of Health, eye exams can detect vision impairment, and help maintain visual acuity.
Finally, your doctor can use a comprehensive eye exam to determine what prescription strength lenses you need.
What to expect from an eye exam?
The good news is that an eye exam is a relatively quick and easy process. Your eye doctor will start by asking you about your medical history and any vision problems you’ve been experiencing, such as blurry vision.
He will then examine the health of your eyes, checking for things like glaucoma, cataracts, or age-related macular degeneration. Then, the doctor will perform tests for eye muscle movement, which checks the alignment of your eyes. It’s nothing to worry about – this means that you’ll follow an object, like a pen, moving in different directions to test your eyes’ muscles.
Next, you will do a cover test in order to see how synchronized your eyes are with each other or if you have an eye moving from the other.
An external exam and pupil reaction are also included in all eye exams and consist of checking how your pupils adapt to different lighting settings and objects closer or further to them.
Next, you’ll be asked to read an eye chart to test your vision and to determine if you need to go through a vision correction procedure.
Finally, the doctor will use special instruments to get a closer look at the inside of your eyes. By the end of the exam, you’ll have a better understanding of the health of your eyes and whether or not you need to make any lifestyle changes to protect your clear vision.

Who can receive an eye exam?
Babies and toddlers should have their eyes checked at least once between the ages of one and three years.
Children aged three to five years old should have an eye exam at least every two years. For children aged five and up, specifically those with myopia, an annual eye exam is recommended.
However, if your child is experiencing any vision problems, or if there is a family history of eye disease, more frequent exams may be necessary.
Seniors should also receive regular comprehensive eye exams, whether they decide to wear contact lenses or not.
Tear film evaluation
Tear film evaluation is a term that is used to describe the evaluation of the film and is often performed during eye exams. The analysis can be done through a number of different techniques, but all involve looking at the tears under a microscope.
This allows the doctor to see how the tears are distributed over the surface of the eye and to look for any abnormalities. Tear film analysis can be used to diagnose several different conditions, including dry eye syndrome, meibomian gland dysfunction, and blepharitis.
It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for these conditions. Tear film analysis is a painless and non-invasive way to assess the health of the eye’s tear film.
The Importance of Contact Lens Fittings
Wearing contact lenses can be a great way to improve your vision while still maintaining a natural appearance. However, it is essential to remember that not all contact lenses are created equal.
In order to ensure that your contact lenses are comfortable and effective, you should have a proper fitting by an experienced optometrist that will consider multiple factors.
During a contact lens exam, the eye doctor will take into account the corneal curvature, the size, and the shape of your eyes, as well as your prescription. They will also make sure that the lenses you choose are appropriate for your lifestyle and needs.
For example, if you have dry eyes, they may recommend a different type of lens depending on how much moisture there’s in your eye. Conversely, for active contact lens wearers, they may suggest a lens that is less likely to move around while you are in motion.
What to expect from contact lens eye exams?
When you visit an eye doctor for a contact lenses eye exam, they will start by asking about your medical history. This will help them to define if you have any underlying health conditions that could affect your ability to wear contacts.
The doctor examines your current vision as well and whether you have any symptoms of eye problems.
They will also conduct a thorough examination of your eyes. This will include checking your corneas, pupils, and irises for any abnormalities. They will also measure the distance between your eyes to determine the correct prescription for contact lenses.
On top of that, during a contact lens exam, you will learn how to insert them safely into the eye to avoid any future issues.
Finally, they will discuss with you the different types available and help you to choose the best option for you to wear content lenses regularly.
Contact Lens Trial
After your contact lens exam, you may be able to try out different types and brands of contact lenses at no cost, as eye doctors often have free trial ones. There are daily disposables options as well as two-week trials.
Getting a free trial from your eye doctor after your contact lens fitting is an excellent way to try out a specific brand and see if that model suits your needs and lifestyle. In this case, a follow-up appointment is needed to evaluate how you react to the current contact lenses.

Comprehensive Eye Exam vs. Contact Lens Exam
A comprehensive eye exam is an evaluation of the visual system, whereas a contact lens exam is a vision test to assess your prescription for contact lenses. A comprehensive eye exam tests your visual acuity, depth perception, and color vision, as well as checking for common eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
During an eye exam, the eye doctor will also insert special drops used for dilating your pupils and seeing the internal structure of your eyes, essential to detect issues and to ensure you’re fit to wear contact lenses.
A contact lens exam is focused on determining your prescription for corrective lenses after checking your corneal topography and overall eye health. If you wear contact lenses, it is important to have a yearly contact lens exam in addition to a comprehensive eye exam.
This is because contact lenses can cause problems such as dry eyes, infections, and cornea issues, which require specific treatment.
If you need it, your doctor may use a device to map the corneal surface. This is usually done for people with astigmatism or shallow cornea. The measurements of the cornea also help determine what type of lens you’ll require. Of course, an exam is also needed to get a contact lens prescription.
Eye exams at Poudre Valley Eyecare
At Poudre Valley Eyecare, we are proud to offer a hometown experience in Fort Collins. Our optometrists and eye care professionals offer comprehensive optometry and eye care services, including routine eye exams, contact lens fittings, acute disease treatment, visual acuity exams, and more.
Our team of professional eye doctors has been serving the community for more than 30 years and is dedicated to improving and expanding vision technology and techniques. If you are looking for an optometrist or eye doctor in Fort Collins, call us today to schedule an appointment.
Annual eye exams are important for people who wear contact lenses. Even if your vision seems fine, regular contact lens exams can help catch potential problems early. An exam with an eye doctor can also help ensure that you’re still fit to wear them and that you’re using the right type of contact lens for your eyes.
If it’s been more than a year since your last exam, schedule an appointment with Poudre Valley Eyecare today. Our team of experts guarantees a thorough and professional contact lens consultation, as well as the right prescription for your needs.
Anyone who plans to wear or currently wears contact lenses should schedule a contact lens exam in Fort Collins. This specialized exam ensures your lenses fit properly, keeps your eyes healthy, and confirms you have the correct prescription.
Dr. Eric Torgerson
Owner at Poudre Valley Eyecare
Dr. Eric Torgerson is the owner of Poudre Valley Eyecare, and has been recognized for his contributions to optometry and his commitment to community health through various roles and accolades within the Northern Colorado Optometric Society and the Colorado Optometric Association.
Why Choose Us?
Our advanced technology and individualized care deliver results for patients of all ages. Our routine exams allow us to spot changes in your vision and allow us to treat those changes early. We have a comprehensive understanding of eye care, which means we can treat a wide range of conditions and chronic diseases. Our in-depth routine exams and customized treatment plans set us apart from the rest.